Reading Resources
This is a list of useful and free online resources for Ruby, programming, and other topics deserving of thoughtful examination.
I'm working on a more interactive, intuitive way to present the large list of material I've bookmarked. For now, here is a short list of recommended reading.
Ruby Programming
This comprehensive reference, known as the "The Pickaxe", is considered one of the quintessential Ruby books. The first edition of the Pickaxe is available for free and covers an old version of Ruby but most of the syntax and lessons still apply. The updated version of the Pickaxe is available for purchase.
This is the Ruby version of Zed Shaw's well-regarded Learn Python the Hard Way. The material is divided into 53 short exercises, with an emphasis on writing out the code to understand it. There are also a number of "extra credit" problems to try out.
This quirky tutorial to Ruby was written and illustrated by the prolific – and anonymous – writer, why_the_lucky_stiff. It used to be hosted on his website until he essentially disappeared from the Internet in 2009.
This friendly guide by Jeremy McAnally